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*Over 8300 Sq Ft. Facility Imagination Room

Art Room & Indoor Air Conditioned Playground

& Large Outdoor Playground

Karate, Ballet,Tap, Mini Chefs, Canvas Kids, Morning Care & Extended Day Option

 Our Curriculum:

Woodbridge Private School offers a structured academic program from preschool through kindergarten.

Our curriculum is designed and implemented to meet and exceed the Arizona Early Childhood Education Standards set by the Arizona Department of Education.

The core subjects of math, language arts, classical literature, science,

and social studies are taught at all levels.

The curriculum is enriched with art appreciation, physical education, music appreciation, dramatic arts and "green" methods.

Woodbridge believes in Character Education Education of character is considered equally with academic education, children learning to take care of themselves, their environment, each other - cooking, cleaning, building, moving gracefully, speaking politely, being considerate and helpful.

Assessment is by portfolio and the teacher's observation and record keeping. The test of whether or not the system is working lies in the accomplishment and behavior of the children, their happiness, maturity, kindness, and love of learning and level of work.

At Woodbridge Private School, students are encouraged to:

  • explore, wonder and question
  • experiment and play with possibilities
  • research and seek information
  • make and test theories
  • elaborate on solutions to problems

Our teachers utilize a variety of teaching strategies which enable our students (and teachers) to build and develop knowledge

and skills from year to year.

Woodbridge Private School is a wonderful place for the early learner to begin.

Our small class sizes and our warm family atmosphere provides a great base for our academic programs.

Woodbridge Private School uses the Core Knowledge® curriculum. Core Knowledge is specifically designed to provide your child with the solid foundation he or she will need for later learning in kindergarten and beyond. The Core Knowledge Preschool Program is based on scientific research about how young children learn, as well as research into the best preschool practices around the world.

We are excited to offer this outstanding program to our children.

Core Knowledge Preschool at a Glance

Movement and Coordination

Physical Attention and Relaxation

Gross Motor Skills

Eye-Hand and Eye-Foot Coordination

Group Games

Creative Movement and Expression

Autonomy and Social Skills

Sense of Self and Personal Responsibility

Working in a Group Setting

Work Habits

Memory Skills

Following Directions

Task Persistence and Completion


Oral Language

Nursery Rhymes, Poems, Fingerplays, and Songs

Children's Literature; Read Alouds

Emerging Literacy Skills


Patterns and Classification



Numbers and Number Sense

Addition & Subtraction


Orientation in Time


Measures of Time

Passage of Time (Past, Present, and Future)

Orientation in Space


Actual and Represented Space

Simple Maps

Basic Geographical Concepts


Human Characteristics, Needs and Development

Animal Characteristics, Needs and Development

Plant Characteristics, Needs and Development

Physical Elements (Water, Air, Light)



Attention to Differences in Sound

Imitate and Produce Sounds

Listen and Sing

Listen and Move

Visual Arts

Attention to Visual Detail

Creating Art

Looking at & Talking about Art

Woodbridge Private School teachers are fingerprinted, background checked, and have their CPR/First-Aid certification. Our teachers are educated in either early childhood education, elementary, special needs, or a closely related field. We are proud that numerous of our teachers are trained in educational leadership and hold current Arizona State teaching certificates.


Posted with permission from the Core Knowledge Foundation, from www.cor​, © 2010 by the Core Knowledge Foundation.

Not to be copied or reproduced without permission from the Core Knowledge Foundation, 801 E. High Street, Charlottesville, VA 22902,


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