Whole Child, Whole Life, Whole World

Whole Child, Whole Life, Whole World
Whole Child, Whole Life, Whole World
Woodbridge polo shirts and other items are available for purchase at Woodbridge
Woodbridge polo shirts and other items are available for purchase at Woodbridge
Students are required to wear a Woodbridge polo shirt or any outfit with a Woodbridge logo.
School Colors: burgundy, gray & navy blue
Uniform Shirts: Navy Blue, Gray & Burgundy
Uniform Bottoms: (Shorts, pants & skirts)
Khaki, Navy, Gray or Black
(purchased anywhere uniforms are sold)
Jumper Dresses: Must wear a polo or scoop neck shirt under dress (burgundy, white, or navy)
Shoes: any Color (light-up/flashing shoes not allowed)
Socks: ankle or knee socks-ruffle socks allowed
(white, tan, black, or navy)
Spirit Shirts: Students can wear Spirit Shirts on Thursdays & Fridays
(Spirit Shirts can be purchased in the office)
If you have any questions regarding uniform options, please ask.